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Calling the above number will direct you to a licensed agent
Medicare Part B, as well as Part A, are a part of Medicare Original. This means that it is provided to those eligible by the federal government. If you are eligible, you may not have to apply for coverage. You are automatically eligible for Part B if you:
However, you will need to sign up for Part B coverage if you:
The standard monthly premium for 2020 is $144.60 but can change depending on the IRS tax return and Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). The fee is automatically deducted from social security, railroad retirement board, or office of personnel management benefits. If you do not receive these benefits, you will need to pay the bill yourself.
We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program.
In general, Part B covers medically necessary services. This includes medically-acceptable services or supplies needed to treat health conditions. Part B also covers preventative services, including any care required to prevent or detect illnesses such as the flu. More specifically, Part B includes:
Coverage is also dependent on federal and state laws, national decisions regarding Medicare, and local decisions made by claim processing companies. If you are unsure if Part B covers something, ask your doctor or health care provider or search for the item or service you need on Medicare’s website.
We’re here to provide you with comprehensive insurance that is best for you. If you would like to know more and discover even more coverage options to fit your needs, contact us at (912) 412-0244.
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We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.