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Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans

A Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plan is offered jointly by Medicare and private insurance companies. Essentially, this plan offers the benefits of Medicare Advantage with a specialized savings and payment method to cover costs and the deductible.

How does a Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plan work?

An MSA Plan creates a savings account to cover your health care costs. The plan will put money into a said savings account and use that money to cover copayments, out-of-pocket, and other costs besides your deductible.

In most cases, you must meet your yearly deductible before your plan pays for Medicare-approved services. Contact your Medicare Advantage plan if you have questions regarding payments and your deductible.

If there is a period of time in which you have not paid your deductible and require medical care, healthcare providers cannot charge you more than the Medicare-approved amount. And, if there is money left in your MSA plan at the end of the year, the funds will be held and used for the future.

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Looking for the right MSA Plan?

An MSA plan offers flexibility and security, providing Medicare Advantage benefits with consistent, ensured payment. If you are looking for the best possible MSA plan, call us now at (912) 412-0244.